I offer Sports Massage Therapy to my students and individuals with referrals from their GP or health professional. This takes place in my Garden Studio Clinic.
Sports massage uses specialised techniques which can reduce muscle tightness and improve circulation. It can also be a wonderful way to aid general relaxation, releasing tension and stress. Specifically, it can be beneficial for:
Physical and mental benefits include::
Massage in Pregnancy
Pregnant women can reap all the same benefits of massage therapy mentioned above. This can be particularly helpful at a time when the body is changing and the mother may experience pregnancy related discomforts, anxieties, fatigue and/or insomnia. Massage can be used to target particular discomforts, or as a means of relaxation, allowing the mother to take time for herself and gain a sense of peace and wellbeing. Pregnancy massage is performed in a side-lying position, thoroughly supported by pillows and bolsters. It can also be practiced in a supported seated supine position where appropriate.
Sports massage sessions can be booked directly (email [email protected]) and last 1 hour.
Regular price: 60 pounds / hour
Regular CatrionaYoga students & family members are offered a 15% discount.
6 session package: Prepay for 6 x 1 hour sessions and receive a 15% discount.
(CatrionaYoga student can benefit from both discounts ie 30% discount on package of 6).
Students or referrals only.
Book directly: [email protected]
Sports massage uses specialised techniques which can reduce muscle tightness and improve circulation. It can also be a wonderful way to aid general relaxation, releasing tension and stress. Specifically, it can be beneficial for:
- Muscle or joint pain
- Muscle tightness
- DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)
- Sciatica & other chronic pain
- Restricted movement
- Muscular Fatigue and cramp
- Injury treatment and prevention
Physical and mental benefits include::
- Helping you feel calm and relaxed
- Reducing anxiety and tension
- Aiding circulation and flushing toxins from the body
- Increasing energy levels
- Reducing pain by relaxing muscles and releasing natural, pain-killing endorphins
- Relaxing and stretching muscles, loosening tight muscles and cramps
- Increasing range of motion and flexibility
- Aiding sleep
Massage in Pregnancy
Pregnant women can reap all the same benefits of massage therapy mentioned above. This can be particularly helpful at a time when the body is changing and the mother may experience pregnancy related discomforts, anxieties, fatigue and/or insomnia. Massage can be used to target particular discomforts, or as a means of relaxation, allowing the mother to take time for herself and gain a sense of peace and wellbeing. Pregnancy massage is performed in a side-lying position, thoroughly supported by pillows and bolsters. It can also be practiced in a supported seated supine position where appropriate.
Sports massage sessions can be booked directly (email [email protected]) and last 1 hour.
Regular price: 60 pounds / hour
Regular CatrionaYoga students & family members are offered a 15% discount.
6 session package: Prepay for 6 x 1 hour sessions and receive a 15% discount.
(CatrionaYoga student can benefit from both discounts ie 30% discount on package of 6).
Students or referrals only.
Book directly: [email protected]
Complementary Health Professionals is a leading UK professional association. The Association verifies that Members' qualifications meet National Occupational Standards and that they are fully insured. Members are required to abide by the Association's Code of Ethics and ha a Disciplinary and Complaints procedure. Members are also required to undertake a minimum of 15 hours further training / professional development (CPD) annually..