THERE WILL BE NO LIVE CLASSES OVER THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS FROM 20 JULY TO 31 AUGUST 2020. A variety of pre-recorded classes can be found on the Bone Cancer Research Trust page of this website. Please feel free to use these classes in return for a much appreciated donation to the life saving work of the BCRT. Online Live Streamed Class Schedule (via Zoom): Tuesday - Hatha Yoga (supporting the Bone Cancer Research Trust) (4) Tuesday 11.15-12.15pm - Gentle Yoga (supporting the Bone Cancer Research Trust) (2) Wednesday 12.00pm-1.15pm - Hatha Yoga (4) Thursday 10.00-11.00am - Beginners & Improvers Hatha Yoga (3) Friday 9.30-10.45am - Hatha Yoga (4) Friday 11.00-12.00pm - Breathing, Deep Relaxation, Meditation & Yoga Nidra (1)
Pre-recorded Yoga Classes can be found at the bottom of the Bone Cancer Research Trust page of this website. A donation to the Bone Cancer Research Trust is asked per use of the video class. Teen Yoga: Whilst at this time I am not offering a dedicated Teen Yoga class, please be assured that the Hatha Yoga classes are suitable for Teenagers to do from their own home. Online Private Classes: By individual arrangement via Zoom Pregnancy Yoga Classes have been suspended for the time being Class intensity rating: (1) This class involves very little movement. It comprises deep relaxation and practices that guide us into deep relaxation. It is suitable for everyone. (2) These classes are mainly mat / floor based classes with relaxation, breathing techniques, gentle stretching and some gentle movement to mobilise the body.. (3) This class is for those new to Hatha Yoga who wish to spend more time on postures and learning techniques. The class is at a slower pace with more explanation than a regular Hatha Yoga class. (4) This class includes strengthening, deep stretching and increasing the heart rate through holding postures as well as moving through flows (for example Sun Salutations). The class also incorporates yogic breathing and relaxation practices. Extremely important: please refer to the information in red below about keeping yourself safe during classes. All new students must fill in a Student Health Questionnaire and have a brief email consultation with me before joining their first class.
Class Pricing and Booking: All online classes are: - All classes free for anyone classified as 'vulnerable' by the NHS, anyone suffering financial uncertainty or hardship due to the Corona Virus Crisis and NHS workers. Please email [email protected] directly to make your booking. - Bone Cancer Research Trust (BCRT) classes on Tuesdays: These classes are booked via the booking system below (you will not be asked for payment) followed by donation via: - All others 10 pounds per class via booking system below. - Teenagers may continue to pay by way of donation to the Bone Cancer Research Trust. Suggested donation is five pounds and may be made through: :
New students to my classes must contact me before attending their first class so we can discuss any health conditions and any modifications they may need to make. HOW TO USE ZOOM - Download the Zoom application software onto your device from (you only need a free account with Zoom to participate in classes). - If you wish to use Zoom on your phone, please download the FREE app. - You will receive the class confirmation email with a unique Zoom link for the class the night before the class is due to take place. - Please join the Zoom meeting 10 minutes before the class start time so you can make sure you are connected and settled before the class starts. You can join the class by clicking on the link in the email, pasting the Zoom class link (URL) into your web browser or by clicking 'Join a meeting' on the app on your phone. - When you join you will see and hear me but you will be muted. You are able to mute and unmute yourself on your screen. I kindly ask thateveryone is muted during the class so there is no noise disturbance for others. Before the class starts and when the class is finished, you can unmute yourself to chat, however, if you leave a class early, please do not do this. - make sure your computer / device has enough battery to last the class or is plugged into the mains so it does not drop out during the class. Turn off all Apps that are open on your devise so they do not disturb your practice. Make sure your computer will not go into hibernation (you may have to go into settings to extend the time before it goes into hibernation). - To mainly see me on the screen, double click my image box. You can use the Gallery Mode to decide how you want to see others. To not see others, you will need to put the screen in Gallery Mode and minimise that window using the dash button.
WHAT DO I NEED? Breathing & Deep Relaxation: / Gentle Yoga: all you need is a comfortable bit of carpeted floor the length of your body, and/or an exercise mat. Not required/optional: blanket to cover the body, pillow for head and/or under the knees (you can also use a rolled blanket), eye pillow, bolster/meditation cushion/blocks to sit on. Pregnancy Yoga: you will need comfortable clothes and an exercise mat and all the cushions you can find to prop yourself in relaxation! You may also like to have: a bolster, eye pillow, block(s) and blanket.. Beginners & Improvers / Hatha Yoga: You will need comfortable clothes and an exercise mat (preferably a yoga mat with good grip). Not required/optional: brick, block, belt, blanket, eye pillow, bolster.
IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL CLASSES Please note that teaching online classes through Zoom is new to me (and possibly to you too) so there may be technological glitches - please bear with me on this. How to keep yourself safe: Please be aware that where many people are attending the class or I am demonstrating postures away from my screen, I will not be able to see or hear you. It is really important that you apply the following fundamental principles of a personal yoga practice: 1) If you cannot see or understand what I am doing in a particular posture, if a posture does not 'feel right' or if you experience any discomfort/pain in a posture, please stop - pull back in the posture, choose a less intense modification of the posture, or wait in a safe or resting posture until you are ready to join in again. 2) If you feel tired, need a break, or prefer not to practice a particular posture, please come into a rest posture (for example: Balasana/Child's Pose, Tadasana/Mountain Posture or Savasana/Corpse Posture - or another safe and comfortable posture of your choosing). You can rejoin the class when you feel ready. Above all, please STAY SAFE in your practice. Choose wisely from the options given in particular postures and back off, come out or take a rest at any time you need to. This is your personal practice and you know how to get the best out of it. Listen to your body and your breath - they will give you all the information you need to stay safe.
CLASS OFFERINGS: There will be no classes: - Summer Holidays 20 July - 31 August 2020 HOW TO BOOK A CLASS Please use the booking system below to book your class. Your email address will be required and only used as explained in our Privacy Policy. (Link to Privacy Policy here).